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About APF

APF Statement of Purpose

We, the NA Regions and communities of Asia Pacific, have joined to discuss issues of mutual concern, address our common needs, exchange ideas and share experiences to further our primary purpose. 


This forum is intended to complement the existing service structure of NA.

Our Vision is that one day

Every addict in the world has the chance to experience our message in his or her own language and culture and find the opportunity for a new way of life;​

NA communities worldwide, NA World Services and the APF work together in a spirit of unity and cooperation to carry our message of recovery;

Narcotics Anonymous has universal recognition and respect as a viable program of recovery.

Asia Pacific Forum Goals

The APF has undertaken strategic planning, including monitoring and ongoing reviews of those plans, integrated into the APF agenda.  The nature of APF is that we are guided by a spiritual programme, comprised of volunteers from many countries, meeting once a year, to further these goals:

Fellowship Development:  To encourage and support Fellowship Development efforts within the Asia Pacific zone.

Communications:  To encourage, maintain and support communication among NA members, Communities and Regions within this part of the world.

Financial: To be financially secure, with sufficient funds to sustain APF’s ongoing service efforts, and with a prudent reserve.

Translations: To encourage and support translations of NA literature into our languages.

External: To continue working with NA World Services in our service efforts; To establish and maintain relationships with other Zonal Forums around the world; To establish and maintain an increasing number of relationships with other institutions and agencies within the APF communities.

Asia Pacific Forum Incorporated

Asia Pacific Forum is registered as a charity with Charities Services in New Zealand (Registration number:CC57650).

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